What is a Void and Voidable Contract Under Contract Law?

What is a Void and Voidable Contract Under Contract Law


In practical life, people need to make contact for business or other reasons. But while entering into the contract, you should know where such an agreement may be void and voidable as per contract law. You should be safe legally from any hazard through contact if you get in touch with a voidable contract by mistake or someone’s intention. Knowing that you can only ultimately get rid of the voidable contract with knowledge is essential. 

If you have some time, stay on the page. Today, this article will explain voidable contracts and their related issues.

What is Voidable Contact?

  • A voidable contract is a regulable agreement between two parties that is not legally enforceable. A contract can be non-voidable if 
  • One or both parties keep the fact closed.
  • The contract carries errors, misrepresentation, or fraudulent statements.
  • The contract is signed by somebody under dues or undue conditions.
  • One or both of the parties cannot enter into a contract legally. 
  • The contract contains at least one unconscionable term.
  • Breach of contract occurs.

But it would help if you remembered that a void contract differs from a Voidable contract. Review the details below if you need to know about a void contract. 

Void Contract 

A void contract becomes a formal agreement that is illegitimate and even unenforceable from when it is created. It is essential to know that a void contract differs from a voidable contract, though both may be nullified for the same reason. It comes with the following conditions given below.

  • Agreement in Restraint of Marriage – Any agreement that restrains an adult’s marriage is void.
  • Agreement in Restraints of Trade
  • Agreement in Restraint of Legal Proceedings
  • An agreement that has uncertain meaning.
  • It comes with a Wagering Agreement.

When does a Contract become Void?

When a contract is declared void, it will no longer be valid and cannot be enforced under federal or state laws. A contract becomes void when

  • It is completely one-sided
  • It runs against public policy
  • Its subject becomes illegal
  • It is not possible to perform anymore
  • One of the parties is illegally competent. 

Remember that a contract with at least one issue can still be enforceable if both parties honor its terms and conditions. Conversely, the affected party may fail to recognize a problem in the contract, but it can void the contract when such an issue is discovered.  

Ratification for a Voidable Contract

Ratification is the process that can allow you to correct a voidable contract. It requires all parties to the contract just for negotiation with new terms, eliminating the issue that makes it voidable. For example, if one party was not able to sign legally on the contract form because of being underage, the contract may be ratified when both of them turn 18 years old. If either one or both parties no longer wish to be bound by the agreement, it becomes voided because anyone cannot legally sign.  

But sometimes, most people need help understanding the difference between voidable and void contracts. If you want to know about both, look at the details below.

Voidable vs. Void contracts 

Everyone needs to understand the difference between Voidable and void contracts. A voidable contract becomes effective if both parties agree to the terms despite the agreement’s flaws. A void contract is not enforceable. Void contracts require either one or both parties to commit illegal activity to fulfill the terms and conditions.

Valid contracts are void when one party dies or cannot fulfill the contract terms. A voidable contract can be enforced if the parties agree on the terms despite all flaws in the agreement; a void contract is not enforceable. A void contract requires both parties’ commitment despite deficiencies in the agreement. Contracts are void if one or both parties commit illegal activity that involves the fulfillment of their terms. 

Parties in a void contract do not sue the other party needing to fulfill the contract but must restore any benefit they received from the original party. Voidable agreements help the party become negatively affected by the issue of damages. 

Go through some examples of Voidable Contracts

The parties who have signed a contract can enter anytime because of illegal activity or the inability to reach an agreement. It becomes voidable if one person has been tucked or forced to sign the contract. It also becomes voidable if one or more parties are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. 

Some Examples of Void Contracts

Void Contracts may come

  • Pertain to illegal activities like gambling, a particular crime, prostitution, and others.
  • It must be signed by a minor or someone deemed mentally unfit to enter a contract.
  • It depends on whether an impossible feat or matter happens.
  • Go against the rules of public policy.
  • Restrain one from performing legal activities like working or choosing a spouse. 

What do you need to do for a Void or Voidable Contract?

 When your contract becomes void or voidable, you must consult a lawyer. In that regard, they can help you be sure about either void or voidable. If you end up as one party to a voidable or void contract, you need to request an official analysis under the process in court. This can help to understand whether the contract is legally enforced or eligible for damages like a breach of contract. 

But if the contract is voided, you should come to keep copies of all related documents, including bills, receipts, and other documents. These documents work as substantial evidence. 

Suppose you need to determine whether the contract is voidable. In that case, you need to step forward and appoint a legal adviser in a legal marketplace that accepts you to help you by providing the required information.

Difference between a Void Contract and a Voidable Contract with a Table

Void Contract Voidable Contract
A void contract is completely a legal contract.   A voidable contract is also a legal contract but it can become illegal if one party wants to cancel it.
A void contract becomes invalid during its creation. A voidable contract can only become invalid if it is canceled by one of the two parties.
No performance is possible. Performance is possible.
A void contract is completely non-existent and cannot be upheld by law. It is an existing contract and the involvement of one party is required.


In any regard, whether business or personal, you need to be attached to a contract. However, if the contract runs under the rules of a Void or Voidable contract, the importance of a contract becomes zero, which means you will not benefit from having a contract. Try to know about void and voidable contracts and be safe completely. 

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